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Mission Statement

St. Peter Catholic School, supported by the Parish community, will provide all children a Christ-centered education, deeply rooted in Catholic traditions, that promotes learning, leading, faith, and service.

Belief Statements

  • We believe in living the teachings of the Catholic Church and incorporating the Gospel values in all areas of student life.
  • We believe that all people possess innate worth and unique abilities and are capable of learning.
  • We believe in providing a well-qualified faculty and staff who will implement a variety of educational approaches to support learning within a safe environment.
  • We believe in a working partnership with parents, guardians, and our Parish community.
  • We believe in providing a challenging education deeply rooted in the Catholic faith that inspires confidence and leadership.
  • We believe in promoting service as ministry and evangelization.

Student Life

At St. Peter we encourage and educate the whole student. Academics are only one part of educating our students. Participation in many varied programs offer the student a wide variety of opportunities for growth and development.

Special Programs

  • Before & After school Latchkey program
  • Confirmation Retreat (for 8th grade students preparing for Confirmation)
  • Jesus Day (for 2nd grade students preparing for First Communion)
  • Spelling Bee
  • Science Fair
  • 8th grade trip
  • Student Service Program

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Art & Science Fair
  • Band program
  • Boy Scouts
  • Children’s Choir
  • Girl Scouts
  • Jr. High Musical Performances
  • Jr. Saint Vincent de Paul Society
  • Altar Servers (Grades 4 – 8)
  • Junior National Honor Society
  • Religious Observances

Parents are urged to instill in their children an appreciation of spiritual values and Catholic doctrine, which includes attendance at Mass on Sunday. Besides the weekly All-School Mass, other Masses are scheduled throughout the year to celebrate holy days and special occasions. All students of St. Peter School will attend ALL religious observances and religious classes. Occasionally during the school year there will be opportunities for the students to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In second grade, the students prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion. In eighth grade, students prepare for Confirmation.

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