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St. Peter School offers the major areas of study as recommended by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Curriculum.

Areas of Study

  • Religion
  • Language Arts
  • Art
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Social Studies


All students enrolled at St. Peter School are provided instruction in the above mentioned areas of study. Each curricular area has a Graded Course of Study (curriculum guide) that provides direction for instruction. Students in grades 4 – 8 are instructed in basic Spanish and offered the elective courses of Advanced Band, and Choir.

The resources that St. Peter School uses have been approved by the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. It is required by the existing Graded Course of Study that we provide instruction in all areas of the curriculum, including drug awareness, self-esteem, human sexuality, and moral values. We affirm the rights of parents to be the primary educators in sexuality for their children. However, we, as educational professionals, accept our own responsibility to assist the family, and our “aim is not to supplant parents but to help them fulfill their obligation,” US Bishops statement, 1972. The guidelines concerning the curriculum of St. Peter School are as follows:

  1.  Archdiocese policy mandates that all Catholic schools in the archdiocese teach the objectives in the Graded Course of Study.
  2. Students enrolled in the school are expected to participate fully in all curriculum areas included in the Graded Course of Study.
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